[Numpy-discussion] How to build on Solaris 10 (x86) using sunperf?

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 04:22:26 EST 2008

On Jan 24, 2008 3:06 AM, Peter Ward <than at pixar.com> wrote:

> The problems I was having were due to a bad site.cfg initially and then
> a problem with the python pkg from sunfreeware (ctypes version
> mismatch).
> Numpy is now happily installed.
> If you need someone to test anything new, let me know.

If you have a few minutes to spend on it, you could try numscons; I
don't have access to solaris (I only have access to indiana, that is
opensolaris on vmware, 32 bits only). For solaris, the advantages of
numscons is native support sunperf, and optimization flags for
compilation (only non-arch dependant for now). As I consider it still
experimental, you should not use numpy built this way, though.



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