[Numpy-discussion] The "NumPy" Cython release + tutorial

Dag Sverre Seljebotn dagss at student.matnat.uio.no
Wed Aug 20 16:18:04 EDT 2008

Cython just had a release, and amongst the new features are efficient 
NumPy array indexing for integers, real floats and Python objects.

You can get it at http://cython.org

For those new to Cython, I've written a tutorial specifically targeted 
for NumPy users here:


...documenting the process of getting from 1.8 seconds to 6 milliseconds 
for the same data by adding typing in a sample for-loop-intensive code 
snippet. The last section of that tutorial (Efficient indexing) should 
be useful for those who know Cython as well.

Dag Sverre

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