[Numpy-discussion] access ndarray in C++

Andreas Klöckner lists at informa.tiker.net
Wed Apr 23 21:47:46 EDT 2008

On Mittwoch 23 April 2008, Christopher Barker wrote:
> What's the status of the Boost array object? maintained? updated for
> recent numpy?

The numeric.hpp included in Boost.Python is a joke. It does not use the native 

PyUblas [1] fills this gap, by allowing you to use Boost.Ublas on the C++ side 
and Numpy on the Python side. It is somewhat like what Hoyt describes, except 
for a different environment. Here's a table:

                   | Hoyt       | Andreas
C++ Matrix Library | Blitz++    | Boost.Ublas
Wrapper Generator  | Weave      | Boost.Python
Wrapper            | w_wrap.tgz | PyUblas

:) Sorry, that was too much fun to pass up.

[1] http://tiker.net/doc/pyublas/index.html

> > - sip [2]. Used for PyQt.
> Any numpy-specific stuff for sip?

Not as far as I'm aware. In fact, I don't know of any uses of sip outside of 
Qt/KDE-related things.

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