[Numpy-discussion] Release of NumPy

Charles Doutriaux doutriaux1 at llnl.gov
Tue Apr 15 09:55:45 EDT 2008

As a developper for a community that's using massively the old numeric 
maksed arrays (MA), I'll just add my 2 cents worth...

I think what's in the trunk right now (at least last week) is ok, the 
new ma, with the oldnumeric.ma This allow to still be backward 
compatible for a while and change our code slowly and even more slowly 
prepare our users...

I'm strongly pushing to keep the numpy.oldnumeric.ma in the next release!



Alan G Isaac wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Apr 2008, Jarrod Millman apparently wrote:
>> However, when our current API is "broken" we should be 
>> open to the possibility that in may need to be fixed.  
>> Functions with anomalous interfaces seem like a good 
>> example of candidates that would be worth modifying.  
>> However, we need to consider whether the code is so widely 
>> used that modifying it would unacceptable. 
> What about objects with anomalous interfaces? E.g.,::
>     >>> import numpy as np
>     >>> x = np.mat('1 2;3 4')
>     >>> x[0][0]
>     matrix([[1, 2]])
>     >>>
> Fixing this has been under discussion for the 1.1 release 
> for some time now.  To my recollection, no users of matrices 
> objected, and the abstract objections from non-users 
> subsided.  It would be very disappointing for the 
> possibility of fixing this to go away.  The fix appears to 
> be a very small change in __getitem__:
> <URL:http://www.mail-archive.com/numpy-discussion@scipy.org/msg07363.html>
> Cheers,
> Alan Isaac
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