[Numpy-discussion] Win32 installer: please test it

Damian Eads eads at soe.ucsc.edu
Sun Apr 13 21:51:39 EDT 2008

David Cournapeau wrote:
> Jarrod Millman wrote:
>> Hello,
>> David Cournapeau has prepared a new win32 installer, which is aimed at
>> solving the recurring problem of non working atlas on different sets
>> of CPU. This installer simply checks which cpu you have, and installs
>> the appropriate numpy accordingly (without atlas if your cpu is not
>> supported). Windows users, please test the installer, and report
>> problems with it; we hope to use this scheme for all numpy and scipy
>> installers in the future.
> Sorry for being insistent, but I would really like to get rid of those 
> windows/sse* problems once for all for numpy/scipy, and this means 
> having people to test the installer.
> cheers,
> David

Hi David,

I'd be happy to help you test the installer (and let you know what my 
processor supports). Is it just the installer you want tested or do you 
also want us to try some computation with numpy?

Nice work btw!



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