[Numpy-discussion] Question about numpy.max(<complex matrix>)

David Goldsmith David.L.Goldsmith at noaa.gov
Fri Sep 21 21:48:12 EDT 2007

Apparently so.

Not to be snide, but I found this thread very "entertaining," as, 
precisely because there is no single, well-defined (partial) ordering of 
C, I regard it as poor coding practice to rely on whatever partial 
ordering the language you're using may (IMO unwisely) provide: if you 
want max(abs(complex_array)), then you should write that so that future 
people reading your code have no doubt that that's what you intended; 
likewise, even if numpy provides it as a default, IMO, if you want 
max(real(complex_array)), then you should write that, and if you want 
max(imag(complex_array[where(complex_array == 
max(real(complex_array))])) (sorry if my numpy is bad) then you should 
write that (yes, I know it's not very readable, but it accurately 
portrays your intent and to me, that's paramount.)  JMO,


Stuart Brorson wrote:
>> No. It is a matter of sorting first on the real part, and then resolving
>> duplicates by sorting on the imaginary part.  The magnitude is not used:
> [snip]
> Oh, OK.  So the ordering algorithm for complex numbers is:
> 1.  First sort on real part.
> 2.  Then sort on imag part.
> Right?
> Stuart
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