[Numpy-discussion] distutils for a Pyrex module

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 18:13:09 EDT 2007

Pierre GM wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 March 2007 17:46:28 Robert Kern wrote:
>> The first file in the sources list should be the one that actually
>> implements the module, i.e. the C file generated by Pyrex. FORTRAN files
>> specified after the first one won't be processed by f2py.
> Mmh. I had to get rid of the '*.pyx' and '*.pxd' lines as numpy.distutils 
> complained of a multiple definition of initcloess.
> However, that still doesn't work: I switched the order of f_sources and 
> c_sources to
>>>> sources=[join('src', x) for x in (c_sources+f_sources)],
> where c_sources now have 'cloess.c' as first element (that's the output of 
> pyrex), and f2py still processes the fortran sources. At the end, the module 
> contains only the f2py-processed fortran subroutines, which are useless on 
> their own.

Hmm. Okay, put the FORTRAN files into a library instead.

  dict_append(build_info, libraries=['floess'])


Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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