[Numpy-discussion] NumPy in Teaching

Michael Williams williams at astro.ox.ac.uk
Thu Mar 1 05:45:12 EST 2007

On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 09:05:58PM -0700, Steven H. Rogers wrote:
> I'm doing an informal survey on the use of Array Programming Languages 
> for teaching.  If you're using NumPy in this manner I'd like to hear 
> from you.  What subject was/is taught, academic level, results, lessons 
> learned, etc.

If Numeric counts, I used that back in 2002 as part of an introductory
programming course I wrote for the Department of Physics at Oxford. We
really only used to to provide an element-wise array method.

Brief introduction: http://pentangle.net/python/pyzine.php

The course (aka "Handbook") and report on the course's successes and
failures: http://pentangle.net/python/

-- Mike

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