[Numpy-discussion] f2py problem under MacOsX: "g95: unrecognized option '-shared'"

David Tremouilles david.trem at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 17:24:28 EDT 2007


 I was using G95 (GCC 4.0.3 (g95 0.90!) ...
using f2py -fcompiler=g95 ...

But I realize gfortran was available on my computer but not recognize by
numpy because
the executable was "gfortran-mp-4.2". Creating a "gfortran" symbolic link to
gfortran-mp-4.2 did the trick
and now I can use successfully "f2py -fcompiler=gnu95 ..."

So, somehow, my problem is solved...
but still f2py did not to work with g95 due to the -share directive so I dig
in as you suggested:
I was not succesfull just copying the "get_flags_linker_so()" function but
in g95.py I have succesfully modified:
executables = {
        'version_cmd'  : ["g95", "--version"],
        'compiler_f77' : ["g95", "-ffixed-form"],
        'compiler_fix' : ["g95", "-ffixed-form"],
        'compiler_f90' : ["g95"],
        'linker_so'    : ["g95", '-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup', '-bundle'],
# ["g95", "-shared"] #here is the mod
        'archiver'     : ["ar", "-cr"],
        'ranlib'       : ["ranlib"]
To make g95 work on my intel macosx computer.

Thanks for your help.



2007/6/12, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com>:
> David Tremouilles wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >  I'm running into trouble with f2py (numpy 1.0.3 on my  intel  MacOsX)
> > f2py or actually f95 is complaining that -share option is not
> recognized:
> > "g95: unrecognized option '-shared'"
> > Which is actually true on an OsX platform. It should be something like
> > -dynamic or so that should be used (but I'm not skilled enough to
> > trouble shot this myself :-( )...
> >
> > Does somebody know how to solve the problem?
> Exactly which FORTRAN compiler are you using and what --fcompiler setting
> did
> you use? We've made the appropriate settings for gfortran
> (--fcompiler=gnu95),
> but we haven't done anything with g95 (--fcompiler=g95), which is what I
> assume
> you are using here.
> I think you may be the first person to try to use g95 on OS X with f2py;
> at
> least, the first to tell us about it. Consequently, we'll need your help
> in
> order to figure out what to do. Presumably, the necessary settings should
> be
> similar to those for gfortran. Please take a look at
> numpy/distutils/fcompiler/gnu.py:GnuFCompiler.get_flags_linker_so(). Most
> likely, that method can be simply copied over to
> numpy/distutils/fcompiler/g95.py .
> Let us know if that works for you. Thanks.
> --
> Robert Kern
> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
> enigma
> that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it
> had
> an underlying truth."
>   -- Umberto Eco
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