[Numpy-discussion] ATLAS,LAPACK compilation - help!

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Jun 1 02:26:40 EDT 2007

Matthieu Brucher wrote:
>     Maybe, maybe not. On 64bit Intel machines running 64bit linux the
>     fedora package raises an illegal instruction error. Since the
>     fedora package is based on the debian package this might be a
>     problem on Ubuntu also. For recent hardware you are probably
>     better off compiling your own from the latest ATLAS version out
>     there.
> Red Hat uses Debian packages ? That sounds odd... FC uses RPM, Debian 
> uses deb packages. The problem with RPM is, as stated by David some 
> time ago, that a lot of info is missing in RPM that is present in deb.
I don't think I stated that :)
> What is more, it is known that using a lot of packages repositories 
> leads to incompatibilities and instabilities.
I think what Harris meant is that the rpm package is based on the work 
done by the debian packagers. There are official rpm for atlas, I think 
(not sure, as I do not use Fedora on a regular basis).


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