[Numpy-discussion] numpy.where

Sebastian Haase haase at msg.ucsf.edu
Sat Jul 14 16:43:44 EDT 2007

Two things.
1) The doc-string of numpy.where() states that transpose(where(cond,
x,y)) whould always return a 2d-array. How can this be true?? It also
says (before) that if x,y are given where(cond,x,y) always returns an
array of the same shape as cond ....

2) Could we have another optional argument "dtype" in numpy.where()?
Otherwise I would have to always write code like this:
a = N.where( arr>x, 1.0, 0.0)
a = a.astype(N.float32)

I use  N.__version__  == '1.0.1'

Sebastian Haase

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