[Numpy-discussion] argmax()

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Tue Jan 2 09:04:03 EST 2007

On Mon, 1 Jan 2007, Niklas Saers apparently wrote: 
> If it makes any sense I'd love to send you this variable 
> that had len(2048) but was very much longer if stomped 
> flat. :-) 

It looks like you may already understand this,
but just in case...

import numpy
r = numpy.random.random((100,5))
m1, m2 = numpy.argmax(r), r.argmax()
print m1, m2
print r.flat[m1], r.flat[m2]
	print r[m1], r[m2]
	print "oops!"

Alan Isaac

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