[Numpy-discussion] Source install

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 18:32:23 EST 2007

Mark Janikas wrote:
> Thanks Robert,
> Sorry for the incomplete request for help.  The install of numpy seems
> to go fine, but when I import numpy it reports that it is running from
> the source directory. 

Oh, just cd to somewhere else. Otherwise, you will pick up the partial numpy
package in the source directory that we use to bootstrap the build.

> I assume this has to do with the BLAS/ATLAS stuff
> I have been reading about.  What I am actually trying to do is get NumPy
> wrapped in the install of our software program.  We currently wrap
> Python2.4 as our scripting language and I need a way to get numpy in our
> compiler.  The gui portions of our software runs on Windows but the
> engine works on Unix flavors.  I am afraid I am not too knowledgeable
> about what goes on under the hood of the NumPy install.  I assume I need
> an appropriate C compiler (where gcc fit in for Mac OSX), but I was
> wondering if there was an appropriate Doc I should closely examine that
> would point me in the right direction.  I hope this clears my question
> up a bit.  Again, thanks in advance....

The standard Python documentation "Install Python Modules" is useful to read. We
have extended the standard distutils package that is described there, but the
fundamentals are applicable.


Reading the site.cfg.example file in the numpy source is useful information for
configuring numpy.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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