[Numpy-discussion] large memory address space on Mac OS X (intel)

Louis Wicker Louis.Wicker at noaa.gov
Thu Feb 1 14:50:04 EST 2007


quick follow up:  Mac Pro's currently have the dual-core 5100 Xeon  
(two processors, two cores each), the 5300 Xeon's (quad-core) are  
coming in a few weeks, we think.


On Feb 1, 2007, at 1:41 PM, Travis Oliphant wrote:

> Louis Wicker wrote:
>> Dear list:
>> I cannot seem to figure how to create arrays > 2 GB on a Mac Pro
>> (using Intel chip and Tiger, 4.8).  I have hand compiled both Python
>> 2.5 and numpy 1.0.1, and cannot make arrays bigger than 2 GB.  I also
>> run out of space if I try and 3-6 several arrays of 1000 mb or so  
>> (the
>> mem-alloc failure does not seem consistent, depends on whether I am
>> creating them with a "numpy.ones()" call, or creating them on the fly
>> by doing math with the other arrays "e.g., c  = 4.3*a + 3.1*b").
>> Is this a numpy issue, or a Python 2.5 issue for the Mac?  I have
>> tried this on the SGI Altix, and this works fine.
> It must be a malloc issue.  NumPy uses the system malloc to construct
> arrays.  It just reports errors back to you if it can't.
> I don't think the Mac Pro uses a 64-bit chip, does it?
> -Travis
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| Dr. Louis J. Wicker
| National Weather Center
| 120 David L. Boren Boulevard, Norman, OK 73072-7323
| E-mail:   Louis.Wicker at noaa.gov
| HTTP:  www.nssl.noaa.gov/~lwicker
| Phone:    (405) 325-6340
| Fax:        (405) 325-6780
| "Programming is not just creating strings of instructions
| for a computer to execute.  It's also 'literary' in that you
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| other humans reading the code." - Paul Rubin
|"Real efficiency comes from elegant solutions, not optimized programs.
| Optimization is always just a few correctness-preserving  
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