[Numpy-discussion] matlab vs. python question

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 07:09:31 EDT 2007


> However, I would disagree that Python with all its tools going to
> replace Matlab well for everything. For large projects, for advanced
> programmers and for non-standard things such as complex database
> handling (in my case) it is definitly a clear winner. However, I would
> be weary of getting Matlab completely out of the picture because I
> find it is still a much better tool for algorithm testing, scripting
> and other "use for a week" functions .

Thanks - that seems very fair.  I think you're right that the level of
help for matlab is far superior, and easier to get to, than numpy /
python.  Can you say anything more about the features of matlab that
you miss for the 'use a week' functions?  It might help guide our
thoughts on potential improvements...

Thanks a lot,


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