[Numpy-discussion] Hello and my first patch

Greg Willden gregwillden at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 15:25:16 EDT 2006

On 10/5/06, John Hunter <jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu> wrote:
> I prefer Perry's longstanding suggestion: things that do not add to
> distribution complexity should go into numpy.  If it compiles as
> easily as numpy itself, it should go into numpy where sensible.  It
> remains a fact of life that numpy gets a wider distribution than
> scipy, and some packages are hesitant to require scipy as a prereq
> because of the additional complexity or building fortran, etc.  I
> would be nice to have as much as possible in the most widely
> distributed package IMO.

That is a much better policy in my view.

I (gently) encourage this group (Travis?) to make this the policy for

>From my view as a newbie to numpy/scipy/matplotlib it isn't clear where I
should look for what functionality.  Matplotlib plots the spectrogram but it
only supports two or three window functions.  Numpy supports 4 or 5 window
functions and Scipy apparently supports more but Matplotlib doesn't support
Scipy.  Of course this is a minor example and I could just write the window
function myself and then use it in Matplotlib but I want to give back so
that the project can grow.  I'd really like to be able to leave Matlab
behind and encourage everyone else to do the same but there are still these
annoyances that need to be worked out.

Linux.  Because rebooting is for adding hardware.
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