[Numpy-discussion] speeding up y[:, i] for y.shape = (big number, small number)

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Oct 4 06:58:25 EDT 2006

Tim Hochberg wrote:
>> I guess the problem is coming from the fact that y being C order, y[:, 
>> i] needs accessing data in a non 'linear' way. Is there a way to speed 
>> this up ? I did something like this:
>>   y   = N.zeros((K, n))
>>     for i in range(K):
>>         y[i] = gauss_den(data, mu[i, :], va[i, :])
>>     return y.T
>> which works, but I don't like it very much.
> Why not?
Mainly because using those transpose do not really reflect the 
intention, and this does not seem natural.
>>  Isn't there any other way 
> That depends on the details of gauss_den.
> A general note: for this kind of microoptimization puzzle, it's much 
> easier to help if you can post a self contained example, preferably 
> something fairly simple that still illustrates the speed issue, that we 
> can experiment with.
Here we are (the difference may not seem that much between the two 
multiple_ga, but in reality, _diag_gauss_den is an internal function 
which is done in C, and is much faster... By writing this example, I've 
just realized that the function _diag_gauss_den may be slow for exactly 
the same reasons):

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Last Change: Wed Oct 04 07:00 PM 2006 J

import numpy as N
from numpy.random import randn

def _diag_gauss_den(x, mu, va):
    """ This function is the actual implementation
    of gaussian pdf in scalar case. It assumes all args
    are conformant, so it should not be used directly
    Call gauss_den instead"""
    # Diagonal matrix case
    d       = mu.size
    inva    = 1/va[0]
    fac     = (2*N.pi) ** (-d/2.0) * N.sqrt(inva)
    y       =  (x[:,0] - mu[0]) ** 2 * inva * -0.5
    for i in range(1, d):
        inva    = 1/va[i]
        fac     *= N.sqrt(inva)
        y       += (x[:,i] - mu[i]) ** 2 * inva * -0.5
    y   = fac * N.exp(y)

def multiple_gauss_den1(data, mu, va):
    """Helper function to generate several Gaussian
    pdf (different parameters) from the same data: unoptimized version"""
    K   = mu.shape[0]
    n   = data.shape[0]
    d   = data.shape[1]
    y   = N.zeros((n, K))
    for i in range(K):
        y[:, i] = _diag_gauss_den(data, mu[i, :], va[i, :])

    return y

def multiple_gauss_den2(data, mu, va):
    """Helper function to generate several Gaussian
    pdf (different parameters) from the same data: optimized version"""
    K   = mu.shape[0]
    n   = data.shape[0]
    d   = data.shape[1]
    y   = N.zeros((K, n))
    for i in range(K):
        y[i] = _diag_gauss_den(data, mu[i, :], va[i, :])
    return y.T

def bench():
    # GMM of 30 comp, 15 dimension, 1e4 frames
    d       = 15
    k       = 30
    nframes = 1e4
    niter   = 10
    mode    = 'diag'

    mu      = randn(k, d)
    va      = randn(k, d) ** 2
    X       = randn(nframes, d)

    print "============================================================="
    print "(%d dim, %d components) GMM with %d iterations, for %d frames" \
            % (d, k, niter, nframes)

    for i in range(niter):
        y1  = multiple_gauss_den1(X, mu, va)

    for i in range(niter):
        y2  = multiple_gauss_den2(X, mu, va)

    se  = N.sum(y1-y2)

    print se

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import hotshot, hotshot.stats
    profile_file    = 'foo.prof'
    prof    = hotshot.Profile(profile_file, lineevents=1)
    p = hotshot.stats.load(profile_file)
    print p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(20)

I am a bit puzzled by all those C vs F storage, though. In Matlab, where 
the storage was always F as far as I know, I have never encountered such 
differences (eg between y(:, i) and y(:, i)); I don't know if this is 
because I am doing it badly, or because matlab is much more clever than 
numpy at handling those cases, or if that is the price to pay for the 
added flexibility of numpy...


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