[Numpy-discussion] Any Numeric or numarray users on this list?

René Bastian rbastian at free.fr
Wed May 31 00:54:06 EDT 2006

Le Mercredi 31 Mai 2006 04:53, Travis Oliphant a écrit :
> Please help the developers by responding to a few questions.

I am a numarray user

> 1) Have you transitioned or started to transition to NumPy (i.e. import
> numpy)?


I tried to install numpy but the installation failed.

> 2) Will you transition within the next 6 months? (if you answered No to #1)


(hm, but if numarray will be prohibited, ...)

> 3) Please, explain your reason(s) for not making the switch. (if you
> answered No to #2)

numarray works and works fine (from version number 0.8 to 1.5)

> 4) Please provide any suggestions for improving NumPy.
> Thanks for your answers.
> NumPy Developers

René Bastian

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