[Numpy-discussion] Discussion with Guido: an idea for scipy'06

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Thu May 11 13:01:05 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I think the presence of Guido as keynote speaker for scipy'06 is
something we should try to benefit of as much as possible.  I figured
a good way to do that would be to set aside a one hour period, at the
end of the first day (his keynote is that day), to hold a discussion
with him on all aspects of Python which are relevant to us as a group
of users, and which he may contribute feedback to, incorporate into
future versions, etc.

I floated the idea privately by some people and got no negative (and
some positive) feedback, so I'm now putting it out on the lists.  If
you all think it's a waste of time, it's easy to just kill the thing.

Since I know that many on this list may not be able to attend the
conference, but may still have valuable ideas to contribute, I thought
the best way to proceed (assuming people want to do this) would be to
prepare the key points for discussion on a public forum, true to the
spirit of open source collaboration.  For this purpose, I've just
created a stub page in a hurry:


Feel free to contribute to it.  Hopefully there (and on-list) we can
sort out interesting questions, and we can contact Guido a few days
before the conference so he has a chance to read it in advance.



ps - I didn't link to this page from anywhere else on the wiki, so
outside of this message it won't be easy to find.  I just didn't feel
comfortable touching the more 'visible' pages, but if this idea
floats,  we should make it easier to find by linking to it on one of
the conference pages.

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