[Numpy-discussion] Re: numexpr: optimizing pow

David M. Cooke cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca
Thu May 4 15:18:08 EDT 2006

Tim Hochberg <tim.hochberg at cox.net> writes:

> I just checked in some changes that do aggressive optimization on the
> pow operator in numexpr. Now all integral and half integral powers
> between [-50 and 50] are computed using multiples and sqrt.
> (Empirically 50 seemed to be the closest round number to the breakeven
> point.)
> I mention this primarily because I think it's cool. But also, it's the
> kind of optimization that I don't think would be feasible in numpy
> itself short of defining a whole pile of special cases, either
> separate ufuncs or separate loops within a single ufunc, one for each
> case that needed optimizing. Otherwise the bookkeeping overhead would
> overwhelm the savings of replacing pow with multiplies.
> Now all of the bookkeeping is done in Python, which makes it easy; and
> done once ahead of time and translated into bytecode, which makes it
> fast. The actual code that does the optimization is included below for
> those of you interested enough to care, but not interested enough to
> check it out of the sandbox. It could be made simpler, but I jump
> through some hoops to avoid unnecessary mulitplies. For instance,
> starting 'r' as 'OpNode('ones_like', [a])' would simplify things
> signifigantly, but at the cost of adding an extra multiply in most
> cases.
> That brings up an interesting idea. If 'mul' were made smarter, so
> that it recognized OpNode('ones_like', [a]) and ConstantNode(1), then
> not only would that speed some 'mul' cases up, it would simplify the
> code for 'pow' as well. I'll have to look into that tomorrow.

Instead of using a separate ones_like opcode, why don't you just add a
ConstantNode(1) instead?

|David M. Cooke                      http://arbutus.physics.mcmaster.ca/dmc/
|cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca

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