[Numpy-discussion] scalarmathmodule changes broke MSVC build; patch available

Albert Strasheim fullung at gmail.com
Thu May 4 14:37:10 EDT 2006

Hello all

Some changes to scalarmathmodule.c.src have broken the build with at least
MSVC 7.1. The generated .c contains code like this:

static PyObject *
cfloat_power(PyObject *a, PyObject *b, PyObject *c)
    PyObject *ret;
    cfloat arg1, arg2, out;
#if 1
    cfloat out1;
       out1.real = out.imag = 0;
     cfloat out1=0;
    int retstatus;

As far as I know, this is not valid C. Ticket with patch here:


By the way, how about setting up buildbot so that we can avoid these
problems in future? I'd be very happy to maintain build slaves for a few
Windows configurations.



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