[Numpy-discussion] Ransom Proposals

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Mon Mar 27 10:48:03 EST 2006

> Ravel in turn, returns self if the array is already flat (line 187 of 
> multiarray_module.c):
>        if (!fortran && PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(a)) {
>            if (a->nd == 1) {
>                Py_INCREF(a);
>                return (PyObject *)a;
>            }
>            return PyArray_Newshape(a, &newdim, PyArray_CORDER);
>        }

I just eliminated this so that .ravel() always returns a new view.  I 
can see this optimization leads to an undesirable inconsistency.

I also added a special case for FORTRANORDER arrays so that is 
consistent with the CORDER case as well.


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