[Numpy-discussion] Histograms via indirect index arrays

Tim Hochberg tim.hochberg at cox.net
Fri Mar 17 11:44:04 EST 2006

Piotr Luszczek wrote:

>On Friday 17 March 2006 13:29, Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>Piotr Luszczek wrote:
>>>>Yes, this is intended (sort of --- this particular example isn't
>>>>the reason for the behavior though).
>>>>The issue is that the code g[idx] +=1 is equivalent in Python to
>>>>g[idx] = g[idx] + 1
>>>This is not what I read at:
>>>These methods should attempt to do the operation in-place (modifying
>>>self) and return the result (which could be, but does not have to
>>>be, self).
>>>What you describe is "lack of attempt" in which case the "fall back"
>>>behavior gets triggered.
>>The problems is that this explanation is very clear when we are
>>talking about the syntax
>>g += 1
>>Then, there is a method of g that can be over-ridden to get the
>>desired behavior.  Now, what you are talking about is "indexing
>>followed by in-place addition".
>>i.e.  at issue is
>>how does python interpret
>>g[idx] += 1
>>How does this get compiled to byte-code?
>>There are two possibilities:
>>1) g[idx] creates a new object which then has 1 added to it using
>>in-place addition.
>>     This would not produce the desired behavior as g[idx] is a copy
>>of the data when idx is a
>>      general indexing array as it is in this case.  So, you make a
>>copy of those indices, add 1 to them
>>      and then do what with the resut?
>>2) g[idx] += 1  gets converted to g[idx] = g[idx] + 1
>>    This appears to be effectively what Python actually does.  Notice
>>that there is no way for us to control this behavior because there is
>>no __inplace_with_indexing_add__ operator to over-ride.
>>There is no such single operation to over-ride for the object.   In
>>other words, I don't see anyay for us to even alter the object to get
>>the behavior you want from that syntax.  We can, of course, add a
>>function or method to do that, but I we would have to extend Python
>>to get the behavior you want here.
>Hardly. At least from what I'm seeing happens on a small example. 
>'g[idx] += 1' becomes ('g' and 'idx' are generic objects):
>__getitem__(self, idx)
>__setitem__(result of __iadd__)
>By design numpy returns views from __getitem__
You are missing that idx is not a slice index. rather it is an index 
array (or list). In this case g[idx] does *not* return a view, it 
returns a copy. From this everything else follows.

Conceivably g[idx] could return a psuedo-array object like flat does, 
but I suspect that might have bad performance characteristics.


>In this case, it would be view into 'self' and 'idx' so the __iadd__
>would just use the 'idx' directly rather than a copy.
>Finally, __setitem__ doesn't do anything since 'self' and 'value'
>will be the same.
>Of course, this is just a quick draft. I don't know how it would work
>in practice and in other cases.
>>Note, however, if idx is slice syntax, then the operation is done
>>without making copies because, for example,
>>returns a "view" of the data (an array that shares the same memory)
>>as the original array.  Thus,
>>g[1:10:2] += 1
>>does an inplace add without data-copying.
>>It may be possible to do what you want using zero-strided arrays, but
>>I'll leave that for a more motivated contributor.
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