[Numpy-discussion] matrix vs. array

Bill Baxter wbaxter at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 19:09:02 EST 2006

Inspect is a really handy python module:
     import inspect
     import numpy
     print inspect.getsource(numpy.matrix)

>From that it looks like exponentiation (__pow__) is also overloaded, and
there are the additional properties:
.A - get the array
.T - get the transpose
.H - get the conjugate transpose
.I - get the inverse

The other difference which isn't really obvious from looking at the source
code is that matrices always have at least rank 2.  I.e. .shape[0] and
.shape[1] are always present for a matrix.


On 3/15/06, Ryan Krauss <ryanlists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a difference between matrix and array objects other than how
> they handle multiplication?  Is there documentation somewhere about
> matrix objects?  Are they new?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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William V. Baxter III
OLM Digital
Kono Dens Building Rm 302
1-8-8 Wakabayashi Setagaya-ku
Tokyo, Japan  154-0023
+81 (3) 3422-3380
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