[Numpy-discussion] Patches for numpy.linalg and scipy.linalg

Norbert Nemec Norbert.Nemec.list at gmx.de
Sun Mar 12 05:59:02 EST 2006

Over the past few days I worked a bit on the linalg packages in both
numpy and scipy. Attached are patches for both numpy and scipy. Both are
a bit interdependent, so I'm submitting all in one cross-posted mail.

I don't know about the SVN-write-access policy of numpy/scipy. If it is
not kept too restrictive, it might be convenient for everyone to give me
write access. I cannot promise to find much time working on the code,
but linalg sure needs some cleanup and I might continue doing a bit of it.

Here a few explanations about the attached patches:

    just a bit of cosmetics to make the other patches cleaner

    numpy.linalg used to contain a number of aliases (like
'inv'=='inverse' and others) this is pointless and more confusing then
helpful. Unless there is a really good reason, a library should offer
one name only. I chose the short version of each name as the "official"
name, because I think all the abbreviations are well-known and easy to
understand for anyone handling numerical linear algebra. Currently all
the definition that would be needed for backwards-compatibility are
deactivated in a "if False:" block. If people think they should be
deprecated slowly, this block could easily be re-activated.

    numpy.linalg.svd now also has the compute_uv option that
scipy.linalg.svd already had. Default behavior is the same as before.

    the dgesdd function of the lapack library installed on my system
seems to contain a strange bug. Should probably be investigated and
fixed. For the moment I just included a workaround.

    copied and the "norm" function from scipy.linalg and adjusted
internals to work in the new environment

    the 'scipy.linalg.norm' function was sub-optimal: for matrices, the
frobenius norm is faster then the "max(svd())" by about an order of
magnitude for all the test cases that I came up with. It also is
invariant under orthogonal/unitary transformations, which makes it the
best candidate to be the default in any case that I could come up with.
The computation of the Frobenius norm can be done with the same line of
code used for the vector-square norm and can even be generalized to
arrays of arbitrary rank, always giving a reasonable norm for both real
and complex numbers.
    The most straightforward way to clean up a number of inefficiencies
in the definition of "norm" was to introduce a norm with "ord=None"
which always calculates sqrt(sum((conjugate(x)*x).ravel())) which is
generally the most efficient implementation and does not even need a
check of the rank of the array.
    I also made this choice the default of the "norm" function. I know
that this may cause hard-to-find errors in existing code if people
explicitely want the "svd"-norm for a matrix and relied on the old
default setting. Personally, I don't believe this is a real danger,
because I don't believe there are many algorithms that depend on using
the svd-norm and break if frobenius is used. If people are strictly
against changing the default behavior, the patch should still be
accepted and only the function header changed back.

    simplyfied this function for purely aesthetic reasons: I believe a
function that can be written cleanly in two lines should not be extended
unnessecarily to 6 lines...

    added 'norm', 'eigh' and 'eigvalsh' to the list of dual functions.

    added two new functions to scipy.linalg. All the interfaces were
there already...

    added 'norm' to the list of dual functions

    changed the norm in the same way as "numpy.linalg.norm" was changed.
See comments above.

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