[Numpy-discussion] Suggestions for NumPy

Joris De Ridder joris at ster.kuleuven.be
Fri Jun 2 04:27:45 EDT 2006

   [CB]: I was reacting to a post a while back that suggested pointing people 
   [CB]: searching for numpy to the main scipy page, which I did not think was a 
   [CB]: good idea.

That would be my post :o)

The reasons why I suggested this are

1) www.scipy.org is at the moment the most informative site on numpy
2) of all sites www.scipy.org looks currently most professional
3) a wiki-style site where everyone can contribute is really great
4) I like information to be centralized. Having to check pointers, docs 
    and cookbooks on two different sites is inefficient
5) Two different sites inevitably implies some duplication of the work

Just as you, I am not (yet) a scipy user, I only have numpy installed at the moment.
The principal reason is the same as the one you mentioned. But for me this is an 
extra motivation to merge scipy.org and numpy.org:

6) merging scipy.org and numpy.org will hopefully lead to a larger SciPy 
    community and this in turn hopefully leads to user-friendly installation


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