[Numpy-discussion] [Image-SIG] Quicker image transfer, tobuffer?

kevin at cazabon.com kevin at cazabon.com
Tue Jul 11 16:10:29 EDT 2006

Although I'm not really up to speed on the array interface, accessing the 
pixel data in a PIL image isn't really that difficult in C/C++... the only 
challenge I would see (besides tracking the channels/padding correctly... 
trivial) would be getting the pointer into Python to pass it to NumPy.  I've 
written a few modules in C that directly modify the PIL buffer data, with 
simple code such as attached (lines 186-214 show it clearly).

(This is a module that does unsharp-masking and gaussian blur on PIL 
images... Fredrik is welcome to include this directly into the PIL library 
if he sees fit, for which I'll gladly remove ANY licensing restrictions)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Travis Oliphant" <oliphant.travis at ieee.org>
To: <image-sig at python.org>
Cc: "numpy-discussion" <numpy-discussion at lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Image-SIG] Quicker image transfer, tobuffer?

> Here is a simple approach to allowing the PIL to export the array
> interface.
> This allows NumPy to create a suitable array from a PIL image very easily:
> At the top of Image.py add the following
> if sys.byteorder == 'little':
>     _ENDIAN = '<'
> else:
>     _ENDIAN = '>'
> _MODE_CONV = {
>     # official modes
>     "1": ('|b1', None),
>     "L": ('|u1', None),
>     "I": ('%si4' % _ENDIAN, None),
>     "F": ('%sf4' % _ENDIAN, None),
>     "P": ('|u1', None),
>     "RGB": ('|u1', 3),
>     "RGBX": ('|u1', 4),
>     "RGBA": ('|u1', 4),
>     "CMYK": ('|u1', 4),
>     "YCbCr": ('|u1', 4),
>     # Experimental modes include I;16, I;16B, RGBa, BGR;15,
>     # and BGR;24.  Use these modes only if you know exactly
>     # what you're doing...
> }
> def _conv_type_shape(im):
>     shape = im.size
>     typ, extra = _MODE_CONV[im.mode]
>     if extra is None:
>         return shape, typ
>     shape += (extra,)
>     return shape, typ
> In the Image class structure add
>     def __get_array_interface__(self):
>         new = {}
>         shape, typestr = _conv_type_shape(self)
>         new['shape'] = shape
>         new['typestr'] = typestr
>         new['data'] = self.tostring()
>         return new
>     __array_interface__ = property(__get_array_interface__, None,
> doc="array interface")
> With this addition you can then do
> import Image, numpy
> im = Image.open('lena.jpg')
> a = numpy.asarray(im)
> and you will get a suitable read-only array pointing to the string
> produced by tostring.
> This would be a nice thing to add to the PIL.
> -Travis Oliphant
> _______________________________________________
> Image-SIG maillist  -  Image-SIG at python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/image-sig
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