[Numpy-discussion] ANN: Python Enthought Edition Version 1.0.0.beta4 Released

Bryce Hendrix bhendrix at enthought.com
Thu Jul 13 18:48:45 EDT 2006

Enthought is pleased to announce the release of Python Enthought Edition 
Version 1.0.0.beta4 (http://code.enthought.com/enthon/) -- a python 
distribution for Windows.

1.0.0.beta4 Release Notes:
There are two known issues:
  * No documentation is included due to problems with the chm. Instead, 
all documentation for this beta is available on the web at 
http://code.enthought.com/enthon/docs. The official 1.0.0 will include a 
chm containing all of our docs again.
  * IPython may cause problems when starting the first time if a 
previous version of IPython was ran. If you see "WARNING: could not 
import user config", either follow the directions which follow the warning.

Unless something terrible is discovered between now and the next 
release, we intend on releasing 1.0.0 on July 25th.

This release includes version 1.0.9 of the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) 
Package and bug fixes-- you can look at the release notes for this ETS 
version here:


About Python Enthought Edition:
Python 2.4.3, Enthought Edition is a kitchen-sink-included Python 
distribution for Windows including the following packages out of the box:

Enthought Tool Suite
Scientific Python
and many more...

More information is available about all Open Source code written and 
released by Enthought, Inc. at http://code.enthought.com

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