[Numpy-discussion] Backward compatibility plans

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 19:34:09 EDT 2006

Hi Travis,

I wonder if it is possible to adapt these modules so they can flag all the
incompatibilities, maybe with a note on the fix. This would be a useful tool
for those having to port code. That might not be the easiest route to go but
at least there is a partial list of the functions involved.


On 8/4/06, Travis Oliphant <oliphant.travis at ieee.org> wrote:
> For backward-compatibility with Numeric and Numarray I'm leaning to the
> following plan:
> * Do not create compatibility array objects.  I initially thought we
> could sub-class in order to
> create objects that had the expected attributes and methods of Numeric
> arrays or Numarray arrays.  After some experimentation, I'm ditching
> this plan.  I think this would create too many array-like objects
> floating around and make unification even harder as these objects
> interact in difficult-to-predict ways.
> Instead, I'm planning to:
> 1) Create compatibility functions in oldnumeric and numarray
> sub-packages that create NumPy arrays but do it with the same function
> syntax as the old packages.
> 2) Create 4 scripts for assisting in conversion (2 for Numeric and 2 for
> Numarray).
>    a) An initial script that just alters imports (to the compatibility
> layer)
>        and fixes method and attribute access.
>    b) A secondary script that alters the imports from the compatibility
> layer
>        and fixes as much as possible the things that need to change in
> order to
>        make the switch away from the compatibility layer to work
> correctly.
> While it is not foolproof, I think this will cover most of the issues
> and make conversion relatively easy.  This will also let us develop
> NumPy without undue concern for compatibility with older packages.
> This must all be in place before 1.0 release candidate 1 comes out.
> Comments and criticisms welcome.
> -Travis
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