[Numpy-discussion] Release of 1.0b5 this weekend

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 15:25:14 EDT 2006

Hi Fernando,

On 8/29/06, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/29/06, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Speaking of features, I wonder if more of the methods should return
> > references. For instance, it might be nice to write something like:
> >
> >  a.sort().searchsorted([...])
> >
> > instead of making two statements out of it.
> +1 for more 'return self' at the end of methods which currently don't
> return anything (well, we get the default None), as long as it's
> sensible.  I really like this 'message chaining' style of programming,
> and it annoys me that much of the python stdlib gratuitously prevents
> it by NOT returning self in places where it would be a perfectly
> sensible thing to do.

My pet peeve example: a.reverse()

I would also like to see simple methods for "+=" operator and such. Then one
could write

x = a.copy().add(10)

One could make a whole reverse polish translator out of such operations and
a few parenthesis. I have in mind some sort of code optimizer.

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