[Numpy-discussion] numarray speed problem

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Tue Sep 20 10:17:18 EDT 2005

Hi H,

I did some work on this problem based on your previous post but 
apparently my response never made it to numpy-discussion.  In a 
nutshell,  I made numarray 12x faster for a benchmark like your 
numarray_pb_sample.py by speeding up string comparisons and improving 
all().  The changes are in numarray CVS but there is no Source Forge 
release that contains them yet.   numarray-1.4.0 is still several weeks 
away.   If you want to try CVS from UNIX/Linux just do:

% cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/numpy login
% cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/numpy co -P 


Humufr wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a problem with numarray and especially the function numarray.all.
> I want to compare two files to do this I read the files with a 
> function readcol2 who can put them in a list or numarray format 
> (string or numerical).
> I'm doing a comparaison on each line of the file.
> If I'm using the array format and the numarray.all function, that take 
> forever to do the comparaison for 2 big files. If I'm using python 
> list object, it's very fast. I think there are some problem or at 
> least some improvement to do. If I understand correctly the goal of 
> numarray, it has been write to speed up some part of python but here 
> it slow down a lot.
> An very simple sample to see the effect is at the bottom of this mail.
> Thanks for numarray, I hope to not bother you. My comments are more to 
> improve numarray than other things. I have been able to find the 
> problem so no I can avoied it.
> H.
> def 
> readcol(fname,comments='%',columns=None,delimiter=None,dep=0,arraytype='list'): 
>    """
>    Load ASCII data from fname into an array and return the array.
>      The data must be regular, same number of values in every row
>      fname can be a filename or a file handle.
>    Input:
>    - Fname : the name of the file to read
>    Optionnal input:
>      - comments : a string to indicate the charactor to delimit the 
> domments.
>                   the default is the matlab character '%'.
>      - columns : list or tuple ho contains the columns to use.
>      - delimiter : a string to delimit the columns
>    - dep : an integer to indicate from which line you want to begin
>            to use the file (useful to avoid the descriptions lines)
>    - arraytype : a string to indicate which kind of array you want ot
>                    have: numeric array (numeric) or character array 
> (numstring) or list (list). By default it's the
>                  list mode used
>    matfile data is not currently supported, but see
>    Nigel Wade's matfile ftp://ion.le.ac.uk/matfile/matfile.tar.gz
>    Example usage:
>    x,y = transpose(readcol('test.dat'))  # data in two columns
>    X = readcol('test.dat')    # a matrix of data
>    x = readcol('test.dat')    # a single column of data
>    x = readcol('test.dat,'#') # the character use like a comment 
> delimiter is '#'
>    initial function from pylab (J.Hunter). Change by myself for my 
> specific need
>    """
>    from numarray import array,transpose
>    fh = file(fname)
>    X = []
>    numCols = None
>    nline = 0
>    if columns is None:
>        for line in fh:
>            nline += 1
>            if dep is not None and nline <= dep: continue
>            line = line[:line.find(comments)].strip()
>            if not len(line): continue
>            if arraytype=='numeric':
>                row = [float(val) for val in line.split(delimiter)]
>            else:
>                row = [val.strip() for val in line.split(delimiter)]
>            thisLen = len(row)
>            if numCols is not None and thisLen != numCols:
>                raise ValueError('All rows must have the same number of 
> columns')
>            X.append(row)
>    else:
>        for line in fh:
>            nline +=1
>            if dep is not None and nline <= dep: continue
>            line = line[:line.find(comments)].strip()
>            if not len(line): continue
>            row = line.split(delimiter)
>            if arraytype=='numeric':
>                row = [float(row[i-1]) for i in columns]
>            elif arraytype=='numstring':
>                row = [row[i-1].strip() for i in columns]
>            else:
>                row = [row[i-1].strip() for i in columns]
>            thisLen = len(row)
>                  if numCols is not None and thisLen != numCols:
>                raise ValueError('All rows must have the same number of 
> columns')
>            X.append(row)
>    if arraytype=='numeric':
>        X = array(X)
>        r,c = X.shape
>        if r==1 or c==1:
>            X.shape = max([r,c]),
>    elif arraytype == 'numstring':
>        import numarray.strings               # pb if numeric+pylab
>        X = numarray.strings.array(X)
>        r,c = X.shape
>        if r==1 or c==1:
>            X.shape = max([r,c]),
>          return X
> -------------------------------------------
> files_test_creation.py
> -------------------------------------------
> f1 = file('test1.dat','w')
> for i in range(10000):
>    f1.write(str(i)+'   '+str(i+1)+'   '+str(i+2)+'\n')
>   f1.close()
> f2 = file('test2.dat','w')
> for i in range(10000):
>    f2.write(str(i)+'   '+str(i+1)+'   '+str(i+2)+'\n')
>   f2.close()
> -------------------------------------------
> numarray_pb_sample.py
> -------------------------------------------
> import numarray
> data1 = 
> readcol2.readcol('test1.dat',columns=[1,2,3],comments='#',delimiter='  
> ',dep=1,arraytype='numstring')
> data2 = 
> readcol2.readcol('test2.dat',columns=[1,2,3],comments='#',delimiter='  
> ',dep=1,arraytype='numstring')
> #or in non string array form  (same result)
> ## data1 = 
> readcol2.readcol('test1.dat',columns=[1,2,3],comments='#',delimiter='  
> ',dep=1,arraytype='numeric')
> ## data2 = 
> readcol2.readcol('test2.dat',columns=[1,2,3],comments='#',delimiter='  
> ',dep=1,arraytype='numeric')
> for a_i in range(data1.shape[0]):
>    for b_i in range(data2.shape[0]):
>        if numarray.all(data1[a_i,:] == data2[b_i,:]):
>            print a_i,b_i
> -------------------------------------------
> python_list_sample.py
> -------------------------------------------
> data1 = 
> readcol2.readcol('test1.dat',columns=[1,2,3],comments='#',delimiter='  
> ',dep=1,arraytype='list')
> data2 = 
> readcol2.readcol('test2.dat',columns=[1,2,3],comments='#',delimiter='  
> ',dep=1,arraytype='list')
> for a_i in range(len(data1)):
>    for b_i in  range(len(data2)):
>        if data1[a_i] == data2[b_i]:
>            print a_i,b_i
> -------------------------------------------------------
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