[SciPy-dev] Re: [Numpy-discussion] Purchasing Documentation

Eric Jonas jonas at cortical.mit.edu
Tue Oct 4 04:50:54 EDT 2005

I wanted to echo isaac's point: 

> I also plan to ask our library to purchase the book, but 
> I am concerned that your statement that multiple users each 
> need their own copy might mean a library purchase is 
> forbidden.  I assume it did not mean that, and that you 
> just meant that making multiple copies is restricted.  (Our 
> library supports electronic book check out.)  Ruling out 
> library purchases would, I think, be a costly mistake for 
> many reasons, which I can list if you are interested. 

I couldn't agree more, although I'm not quite sure how a license could
be worded such that it would allow a library copy and prevent a lab
bench copy, which I think was Travis' intent. 

That said, have you considered selling "site licenses" of a sort? I know
my lab would pay a few hundred to get a PDF that we could just stick in
our fileserver and use in perpetuity. I know that right now there's
nothing -preventing- us from buying just one copy and doing that (other
than pesky copyright law), but we'd like to support the project. 


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