[Numpy-discussion] Writing/reading a numeric array to a file

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Thu Nov 10 04:51:02 EST 2005

On Thu, 10 Nov 2005, Niklas Volbers wrote:

> First of all, thanks for your answers.
> Travis Oliphant <oliphant at ee.byu.edu> schrieb am 09.11.05 20:23:16:
> > What unneeded functionality is there.  SciPy Core is just a Numeric
> > replacement.  It does not NEED Atlas, it just uses it if you have it ---
> > exactly the same as Numeric and numarray.
> > It is a misconception to say scipy core needs any thing else but Python
> > installed.   So, let's not let that rumor kill convergence to a single
> > package.
> I am sorry for this faulty assumption of mine which you have now clarified.
> I had assumed that ATLAS was needed, just because scipy_core would
> not build on my system w/o a prior install of these libraries.
> With the knowledge, that it _should_ work, I have just retried to build
> scipy_core 0.4.2 on my rather fresh installation of Slackware Linux
> 10.2 (python 2.4.1) and still couldn't get it to build.  I have
> attached the log files out.txt and err.txt to this e-mail, which I got
> by typing
> $ python setup.py build 1>out.txt 2>err.txt
> in the scipy_core main directory.  The two files are compressed into a
> single tar.gz archive (5k), because I do not know if 60k attachments are
> o.k. on this list.
> Maybe you can help me solve my problem?

Did you try a recent check out?
With Travis' speed of coding scipy_core version
seems pretty old to me

I tested
In [95]: scipy.__core_version__
Out[95]: ''
this morning without problems.



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