[Numpy-discussion] which module to use

konrad.hinsen at laposte.net konrad.hinsen at laposte.net
Tue May 3 03:25:03 EDT 2005

On May 3, 2005, at 11:00, Christian Meesters wrote:

> Numarray and Numeric are great modules. I was using them a lot in my 
> scripts. But now the time has come that I would like to write a 
> somewhat bigger application and perhaps even need to write extensions 
> for one of the numerical modules or Scipy.
> Now, I'm wondering which module to choose: Numarray (my preferred 
> choice so far), Numpy, or "Numeric3"? How far is the latter grown with 
> respect to the other

My advice would be to stick to the common interface of Numarray and 
NumPy if you can. If you can't - well, then you are facing a difficult 


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