[Numpy-discussion] LAPACK/BLAS for Fedora core 4 i386 ?

Darren Dale dd55 at cornell.edu
Fri Jul 29 09:29:19 EDT 2005

On Friday 29 July 2005 12:22 pm, Chris Barker wrote:
> > To find out you might have to look at the LAPACK functions you are
> > using and compare them against the ones provided by ATLAS.
> Well, I'm testing using LinearAlgebra.solve_linear_equations() from
> Numeric (and numarray). The reason I'm wondering is that on my last
> machine, a 1ghz PIII laptop running Gentoo, using the Gentoo provided
> atlas/lapack, I got a 6-7 times speed up over lapack_lite.
> On my new machine, a 2GHz Pentium M laptop running FC4, I got about a 2
> times speed-up, which is nice, but not nearly as impressive.
> Another possible issue is that I used pre-complied binaries form the
> atlas site, which are a bit old, maybe I should compile myself. Any
> thoughts?

Maybe I don't understanding something, but isn't the point of ATLAS that the 
libraries are tuned at compile time for your specific setup?



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