[Numpy-discussion] Matlab/Numeric/numarray benchmarks

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Thu Jan 20 08:27:00 EST 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 10:44, Jason Rennie wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 10:33:48AM -0500, Perry Greenfield wrote:
> > Could you at least give enough information to understand the what the
> > benchmark is? (Size of arrays, what the 3 columns are, etc). What is
> > the benchmark code? I see references to benchmark.py but there doesn't
> > appear to be any attachment.
> It's Simon Burton's benchmark.py and bench.m code.  Only modification
> I made was to move the imports to the top.  Matlab code is identical.
> See attached for the exact code.
> Jason

Sigh.  We discussed this some last week and as a result I ported
Numeric's dotblas to numarray. 

Here's what I get running from numarray CVS and Numeric-23.7 both built
with the latest blas, LAPACK, and ATLAS I could find and run on a 1.7

t= 0.0697661995888
t= 0.910463786125
t= 9.6143862009

t= 6.44409584999
t= 0.939763069153
t= 9.36037609577

Note that there's a bug in the benchmark (which has already been
reported on this list) which explains the 100x difference in the first
test case.

Here's the results I get with a corrected version of the benchmark:

numarray + : 0.0632889986038
numarray matrixmultiply : 0.91903450489
numarray eigenvalues : 8.78720998764

Numeric + : 0.0704428911209
Numeric matrixmultiply : 0.912343025208
Numeric eigenvalues : 8.919506073

I think this a closed issue, at least as far as the numarray/Numeric
comparison goes.

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