[Numpy-discussion] Speeding up Numeric

konrad.hinsen at laposte.net konrad.hinsen at laposte.net
Sat Jan 22 00:11:00 EST 2005

On 21.01.2005, at 22:40, Paul F. Dubois wrote:

> As I mentioned in a recent post, the original Numeric philosphy was 
> damn the torpedos full steam ahead; performance first, safety second. 
> There was a deliberate decision not to handle NaN, inf, or anything 
> like it, and if you overflowed you should die.

There was also at some time the idea of having a "safe" version of the 
code (added checks as a compile-time option) and an installer that 
compiled both with different module names such that one could 
ultimately choose at run time which one to use. I really liked that 
idea, but it never got implemented (there was a "safe" version of ufunc 
in some versions but it was no different from the standard one).


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