[Numpy-discussion] A request for new distributions

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Fri Jan 7 12:24:02 EST 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 13:33, Fernando Perez wrote:
> Jack Jansen wrote:
> > If the whole lapack section of addons was restructured like
> > if os.environ.has_key('LINALG_LIB'):
> > 	set things up for using that path
> > elif os.path.exists('/usr/local/lib/atlas')
> > 	use that
> > elif os.path.exists('/System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework')
> > 	use that
> > else
> > 	use builtin blas_atlas
> If I may ask, it would be great if /usr/lib/(atlas/ATLAS) were added to these 
> default search paths, like the scipy setup.py file does.  In a 
> mixed-architecture environment, where /usr/local is often NFS shared, one must 
> put things like ATLAS in machine-specific locations.  One simple solution is 
> to put it directly in /usr/lib/atlas, instead of /usr/local/lib/atlas, since 
> /usr/lib is rarely NFS-shared.  This gives a way to share over NFS the bulk of 
> things which are built from source, while leaving architecture-specific things 
> in a location where they don't cause conflicts.
> Numpy and scipy already have this search path, so hopefully numarray can adopt 
> the same convention as well.  It's nice to be able to just unpack those and, 
> without needing to set absolutely anything, simply say './setup.py bdist_rpm' 
> and be done :)
> Cheers,
> f

These sound like reasonable ideas but I want to mull it over some and
I'm pretty much out of time this week... I'm supposed to be working on
the scipy to numarray port.  Both ideas look like they may be easy but
I'm out of oomph and... they may not.


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