[SciPy-dev] [Numpy-discussion] Thoughts on making it easier for numarray users to transition to scipy_core

Peter Verveer verveer at embl-heidelberg.de
Tue Dec 13 00:27:02 EST 2005

On Dec 12, 2005, at 23:49, Travis Oliphant wrote:

>> That certainly would be nice. We are starting to look migrating  
>> some Python code. It may be a little while
>> (a couple months?) before we can start tackling migrating some of  
>> the C extension code so we won't be exercising that right away  
>> (but maybe someone else can).
> I think I will have something basic in-place by then.  We can add  
> needed API calls as extensions get ported.
> On a related note,  where should the Packages (like nd_image) from  
> numarray go?  Should they all go into scipy core, full scipy, or be  
> separately downloadable as scipy_core addons?

Regarding nd_image, I would guess that it should be an addon, or go  
at some point in scipy. However, even though I am the author, I am  
most likely not going to support it outside numarray. I do realize  
that at some point numarray may be retired, but I  have not decided  
yet if I will be using/supporting nd_image beyond that point. It  
would be nice to have a common code-base with the numarray version so  
that all can profit from any bug-fixes that I am still doing in the  
numarray version.


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