[Numpy-discussion] new __wrap_array__ magic method

Sebastien.deMentendeHorne at electrabel.com Sebastien.deMentendeHorne at electrabel.com
Fri Aug 12 02:03:05 EDT 2005

> > __wrap_array__(self, ufunc): # all unary operators like 
> __neg__, __abs__, __invert__
> > __lwrap_array__(self, other, ufunc): # all binary operators 
> called with self on the lhs like __add__, __mul__, __pow__
> > __rwrap_array__(self, other, ufunc): # all binary operators 
> called with self on the rhs like __radd__, __rmul__, __rpow__
> The term "wrap_array" doesn't seem very descriptive of
> what these are for. Wrapping of arrays may come into the
> implementations of them, but it's not the main point.
> The point is to apply a ufunc to the object and get
> an appropriate result.
> Maybe just __ufunc__, __lufunc__, __rufunc__?

Definitely ! I came first with a function that was more similar to __array__ and so __wrap_array__ seemed a plausible name for this function.
Afterward, I changed a bit the role of this function to propose the alternative way and your names are way more adequate (it may be useful to add the unary/binary word in the function like:


as it does not map exactly to __add__, __radd__ and people could mix __ufunc__ and __rufunc__ without understanding the __lufunc__...

> -- 
> Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, 
> +--------------------------------------+
> University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of 
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> USA Inc.  |
> greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz	   
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