[Numpy-discussion] Accessing rank-0 array value?

Tim Hochberg tim.hochberg at cox.net
Tue Jun 8 08:44:10 EDT 2004


>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>IndexError: Too many indices
>by something like:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>IndexError: rank-0 arrays don't accept integer indices. Use '()' (empty tuple)
This seems like a sensible idea. One might further restrict this and 
only raise it when a rank-0 array is indexed with zero, which is the 
only real case that causes confusion. In that case, I suggest the error 
message similar to:

IndexError: Too many indices (Use A[()] to get scalar from rank-0 array A)

>In order to provide an universal accessor to numarray objects, what about
>adding a .toscalar() (or .toobject()) method to them? That would return a
>python object whether you are using rank-0 arrays, regular arrays,
>CharArrays or RecArrays. That object would be the minimal python container
>that would keep the values inside these objects. In case of rank-0 arrays it
>would return a Bool, Int, Float or Complex. For a regular array, a list
>(perhaps a tuple?). For CharArrays, a list (tuple?) of strings. And for
>RecArrays a list (tuple) of tuples.

That's an interesting idea. `tolist` doesn't work on rank-0 arrays, 
sensibly enough. I would expect something called toscalar to only work 
on rank-0 arrays. I don't like that since I would like to see fewer 
special cases for rank-0 arrays not less. However, something called 
`toobject` (or `topyobject`, `tocoreobject`, etc) could return a core 
python object that was equivalent to the original array, which I believe 
is what you describe above. For example, after:

obj = anArray.toobject()
type = anArray.type()
newArray = numarray.array(obj, type)

`newArray` would always be equal to `anArray` in both value and type. 
The implementation of toobject could be as simple as:

    def toobject(self):
       if self.rank == 0:
          return self[()]
          return self.tolist()

I'm not entirely convinced it's a good idea yet; I'd have to see some 
use cases, but it's an interesting idea in any event.

>Incidentally, I've noted an inconsistency in the .tostring behaviour:
Interesting. That's better than the memory error I get with 
Numarray-0.8. Or the indefinite hang I get with numarray 0.9.

>while I would expect a return value like:
I think it should actually be returning the same things as 
array([126]).tostring(). That is:





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