[off topic] Re: [Numpy-discussion] numarray speed - PySequence_GetItem

Tim Hochberg tim.hochberg at cox.net
Tue Jun 29 12:22:11 EDT 2004

Todd Miller wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 19:38, Sebastian Haase wrote:
>>>Is 10x a measured number or a gut feel?
>>so this looks to me like a factor of 10x.
>Me too.  Can you (or somebody) post the application code which does the
>drawlines?  I can definitely instrument the bottleneck C-code,  but I
>don't have time to ascend the wxPython learning curve.
Let me second that. With a little nudge from Chris Barker, I managed to 
get wxPython to compile here and I have some changes that may speed up 
drawlines, but it'd probably be best if we were all using the same 


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