[Numpy-discussion] Proposed record array behavior: the rest of the story: updated

Francesc Alted falted at pytables.org
Mon Jul 26 11:29:19 EDT 2004

A Dilluns 26 Juliol 2004 18:38, Russell E Owen va escriure:
> In this case there is another mechanism that is more natural, has no

Well, I guess that depends on what you understand as "natural". For example,
for me the "natural" way is adding attributes. However, I must recognize
that my point of view could be biased because this can be far more
advantageous in the context of large hierarchies of objects where you should
specify the complete path to go somewhere. This is typical on software to
treat XML documents or any kind of hierarchical data organization system.
For a relatively plain structure like RecArray I can understand that this
can be regarded as unnecessary. But nevertheless, its adoption continue to
sound appealling to me.

Anyway, I'd be happy with any decision (regarding field attribute adoption)
that would be made.

> I hope nobody takes offense. I certainly did not mean to imply that

Not at all. Discussing is a good (the best?) way to learn more :)

Francesc Alted

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