[Numpy-discussion] numarray-0.8.1

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Mon Feb 2 06:00:01 EST 2004

On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 21:32, Austin Luminais wrote:
> Hello, is there any place I can download a Windows installer for numarray 
> 0.8.1?  I upgraded to 0.8.2 a while back, but it does not work with 
> McMillan's Installer.  0.8.1 worked fine, but I neglected to keep a copy of it.

As a public release,  numarray-0.8.1 doesn't really exist yet;  0.8.1 is
a tag in CVS which defines a release being used internally at STScI. 
I'm not sure what you mean by 0.8.2 at all.

> As for why it doesn't work with Installer, I'm not sure.  At least part of 
> the problem is that it is hardcoded to load LICENSE.TXT in __init__.py in a 
> way that is incompatible with Installer.
> I tried removing the loading of LICENSE.TXT (which I realize is a 
> questionable thing to do; I was just trying to get it working), but it 
> doesn't work after that either.

This has been fixed in CVS,  but there is no official release with it

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Todd Miller 			
Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Drive
Baltimore MD, 21030
(410) 338 - 4576

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