[Numpy-discussion] Numarray 1.1.1 with Python 2.4 #60 crashes on Windows XP Pro

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Sat Dec 4 05:49:05 EST 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-03 at 19:05 -0800, Vivek Rao wrote:
> I have installed numarray 1.1.1 for Python 2.4. When I
> go to C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\numarray and type
> 'python numtest.py' a crash occurs. Debugging it
> Microsoft Visual Studio, the error message is
> "unhandled exception in python.exe (Python24.dll):
> 0xC0000005 Access Violation"
> The Python version I am using is
> Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32
> bit (Intel)] on win32 .
> Is this a known problem?

Yes and no.  In my experience,  it's best not to run modules that are
part of a Python package from within the package.  

To run the selftest, I recommend doing something like this:

> cd C:\
> python
>>> import numarray.testall as testall
>>> testall.test()


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