[Numpy-discussion] Optionally using Numeric in another compiled extension package.

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Wed Jan 15 12:40:02 EST 2003

Francesc Alted wrote:

>A Dimecres 15 Gener 2003 21:16, Todd Miller va escriure:
>>But...  It's not clear to me that knowing an object is an array will
>>help since getting data elements still has to be done fast,  and that
>>seems hard to do without knowing the arrayobject struct.   Keep in mind
>>that Numeric and numarray arrays are strided and possibly discontiguous,
>> so there's more to data access than owning a base pointer, as would be
>>the case in C.
>I think you can use the numarray High-Level C API to overcome these

But doesn't using the numarray  C-API require a level of coupling 
(direct knowledge of numarray during compilation) that Chris is trying 
to avoid?



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