[Numpy-discussion] range check: feature request for numarray

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Thu Feb 20 00:08:13 EST 2003

Francesc Alted wrote:

Hi Francesc,

I'm sorry about the slow response on this.  I looked into what it would 
take to do this,  and while I agree with you in principle,  right now my 
hands are full trying to beat down numarray overhead.

>I think it would be useful to provide some range checking in numarray. For
>example, right now, you can do:
>In [24]: a=numarray.array([1,2],numarray.Int8)
>In [25]: a[1] = 256
>In [26]: a
>Out[26]: array([1, 0], type=Int8)
>and nothing happens. But I'm proposing to raise an OverflowWarning so that
>people can be aware of such range overflows.
That sounds reasonable.  If you'd care to do a patch,  I think we would 
want it.  If you don't have time,  it may be a little while before we do.

>Maybe it is desirable that the default would be to not issue the warning,
>except when the user wanted to know about that.
I think I'd rather see the warning on by default, even though it might 
"break" some existing code.

>So, my proposal is that the actual behaviour should be mantained, but when
>you want to be aware of all the warnings something like this could happen:
>In [28]: warnings.resetwarnings()
>In [29]: a=numarray.array([1,2],numarray.Int8)
>In [30]: a[1] = 256
>OverflowWarning: value assignment not in the type range
>In [31]: a
>Out[31]: array([1, 0], type=Int8)
>But perhaps this feature might slow a bit the performance of assignments.
Yes, but probably not too much.


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