[Numpy-discussion] Interesting Psyco/Numeric/Numarray comparison

Tim Hochberg tim.hochberg at ieee.org
Tue Feb 4 08:52:05 EST 2003

I was inspired by Armin's latest Psyco version to try and see how well 
one could do with NumPy/NumArray implemented in Psycotic Python. I wrote 
a bare bones, pure Python, Numeric array class loosely based on Jnumeric 
(which in turn was loosely based on Numeric). The buffer is just 
Python's array.array. At the moment, all that one can do to the arrays 
is add and index them and the code is still a bit of a mess. I plan to 
clean things up over the next week in my copius free time <0.999 wink> 
and at that point it should be easy add the remaining operations.

I benchmarked this code, which I'm calling Psymeric for the moment, 
against NumPy and Numarray to see how it did. I used a variety of array 
sizes, but mostly relatively large arrays of shape (500,100) and of type 
Float64 and Int32 (mixed and with consistent types) as well as scalar 
values. Looking at the benchmark data one comes to three main conclusions:
   * For small arrays NumPy always wins. Both Numarray and Psymeric have 
much larger overhead.
   * For large, contiguouse arrays, Numarray is about twice as fast as 
either of the other two.
   * For large, noncontiguous arrays, Psymeric and NumPy are ~20% faster 
than Numarray
The impressive thing is that Psymeric is generally slightly faster than 
NumPy when adding two arrays. It's slightly slower (~10%) when adding an 
array and a scalar although I suspect that could be fixed by some 
special casing a la Numarray. Adding two (500,100) arrays of type 
Float64 together results in the following timings:
                   psymeric      numpy       numarray
contiguous  0.0034 s      0.0038 s    0.0019 s
stride-2      0.0020 s      0.0023 s    0.0033 s

I'm not sure if this is important, but it is an impressive demonstration 
of Psyco! More later when I get the code a bit more cleaned up.




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