[Numpy-discussion] numarray C API

o.mekkaoui o.mekkaoui at free.fr
Fri Aug 15 09:44:02 EDT 2003

Thanks for your help,
I have tested a little example with including numarray.h and it don't work.
However, if I include "libnumarray.h" instead "numarray.h", that work fine.


Omar Mekkaoui
University of Cergy-Pontoise, France

Todd Miller wrote:

>On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 20:54, o.mekkaoui wrote:
>>I would like to use numarray.
>>I use Python2.2 and I have installed numarray0.6.1.
>>I have to problem:
>>1) when I test numarray, I got this
>> >>> import numarray.testall as testall
>> >>> testall.test()
>>*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest' in both testers; summing outcomes.
>>*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.dtp' in both testers; summing outcomes.
>>*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.test' in both testers; summing outcomes.
>>*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.ratioarr' in both testers; summing 
>>outcomes.*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.comparr' in both testers; 
>>summing outcomes.
>>*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.dummy' in both testers; summing 
>>numeric:  (0, 1037)
>>records:  (0, 48)
>>strings:  (0, 168)
>>memmap:  (0, 75)
>>which differ from that given in numarray documentation.
>The "Tester.merge" lines need to be documented.  They're a result of
>running the tests twice in an attempt to detect cache related bugs.
>The total test counts vary from release to release.  The leading zeros
>are good... they mean for instance, 0 out of 1037 tests failed.  Thus,
>your test results show that numarray is installed and working.
>>2)  writting a little C API program using  numrray  don't  work too:  I 
>>got  for example
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "Test_num.py", line 3, in ?
>>    from test_num import departure
>>ImportError: ./test_num.so: undefined symbol: import_libnumarray
>>I don't understand why the MACRO import_libnumarray() is not imported.
>Make sure you included the header file "numarray.h" or "arrayobject.h". 
>>And if someone can send me I little C API example, I will be very grateful.
>If you have the numarray source distribution, try looking in the
>Examples directory for various ways to interface with numarray in C.  Of
>the choices there, the best ones to start with are probably either the
>"High Level" API (Examples/convolve/high_levelmodule.c) or the Numeric
>compatible API (Examples/convolve/numpy_compatmodule.c).
>>Thanks in advance for your help.
>You're welcome.  Good Luck!

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