[Numpy-discussion] numarray C API

o.mekkaoui o.mekkaoui at free.fr
Thu Aug 14 18:30:02 EDT 2003

I would like to use numarray.
I use Python2.2 and I have installed numarray0.6.1.
I have to problem:
1) when I test numarray, I got this
 >>> import numarray.testall as testall
 >>> testall.test()
*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest' in both testers; summing outcomes.
*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.dtp' in both testers; summing outcomes.
*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.test' in both testers; summing outcomes.
*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.ratioarr' in both testers; summing 
outcomes.*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.comparr' in both testers; 
summing outcomes.
*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.dummy' in both testers; summing 
numeric:  (0, 1037)
records:  (0, 48)
strings:  (0, 168)
memmap:  (0, 75)

which differ from that given in numarray documentation.

2)  writting a little C API program using  numrray  don't  work too:  I 
got  for example
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Test_num.py", line 3, in ?
    from test_num import departure
ImportError: ./test_num.so: undefined symbol: import_libnumarray

I don't understand why the MACRO import_libnumarray() is not imported.

And if someone can send me I little C API example, I will be very grateful.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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